BOTANY BC 2020 - Wells Gray (Clearwater)
Postponed to Summer 2021 - dates to be announced

24/March/20 - Due to uncertainty around Covid19 restrictions and advisements we regret to announce that Botany BC in Wells Gray Park (Clearwater) will be postponed until the Summer of 2021. New dates will be posted as soon as they are determined.

Brought to you by the Botany BC 2020 organizing committee:
Iraleigh Anderson, Scott Black, Elizabeth Easton, Tanis Gieselman, Mike Keefer, Andy MacKinnon & Jenifer Penny

BOTANY BC is an annual meeting of botanists and plant enthusiasts of British Columbia and is open to anyone interested in plants. Although BOTANY meetings are focused to British Columbia, we welcome all the plant enthusiasts from the neighbouring provinces/states, and from elsewhere in the world.

Questions and requests regarding Botany BC and BBC distribution lists can be sent to: