Monday, April 13 |
2000 - 2200 |
Registration and social get-together |
Tuesday, April 14 |
Rare and Endangered Plants |
0700 |
Breakfast |
0745 |
Introductory Remarks - Chairperson, Dr. Jim Pojar |
0800 |
Principles of disjunct distribution and rarity in plants - Dr. Geraldine Allen |
0825 |
The work and objectives of the Plant Subcommittee of COSEWIC in B.C. - Dr. Gerald Straley |
0850 |
The rare plants of northern British Columbia and Yukon Territory - Dr. George Douglas |
0915 |
The rare plant inventory in the State of Washington - John Gamon |
0940 |
Rare plants and their protection in Alaska - Dr. David Murray |
1005 |
Coffee break |
1025 |
Rare bryophytes in British Columbia - Dr. Wilfred Schofield |
1050 |
Southern rare and endangered plant elements in British Columbia - Dr. Adolf Ceska |
1115 |
Rare and endangered alpine plants of British Columbia - Dr. Bob Ogilvie |
1140 |
Threatened and rare ecosystems in British Columbia - Dr. Jim Pojar |
1205 |
Lunch break |
1315 |
The natural areas system and other protection efforts for rare plants in the State of Washington - Mark Sheehan |
1340 |
Protecting B.C.’s rare and endangered plants in ecological reserves - Dr. Hans Roemer |
1405 |
Coffee |
1515 |
Discussion groups
1645 |
Dinner |
1800 |
Visit to Honeymoon Bay Ecological Reserve (Erythronium revolutum) |
2000 |
General Meeting – B.C. Vegetation Working Group |
Wednesday, April 15 |
Succession and Vegetation Dynamics |
0700 |
Breakfast |
0745 |
Introductory Remarks - Chairperson, Dr. Marc Bell |
0800 |
Long term succession in coastal British Columbia - Dr. Richard Hebda, B.C. Provincial Museum |
0830 |
Forest succession research in interior Alaska - Dr. Leslie Viereck, USDA Forest Service, Alaska |
0900 |
Research in plant community dynamics in southeastern Alaska - Dr. Paul Alaback, USDA Forest Service, Alaska |
0930 |
Patch dynamics and spatial scale in some Pacific Northwest forests - Dr. Joe Antos, University of Victoria |
1000 |
Coffee break |
1030 |
Vegetation relationships among seral ecosystems in southwestern British Columbia - Dr. Karel Klinka, U.B.C. |
1100 |
Bog woodland succession in northcoastal British Columbia - Allen Banner, Min. of Forests and Lands, Smithers |
1130 |
Post-burning revegetation in the sub-boreal spruce zone - Evelyn Hamilton, Min. of Forests and Lands |
1200 |
Lunch break |
1300 |
Seral classification of the Kimsquit River floodplains: a research framework for coastal grizzly bear habitat evaluation - Tony Hamilton, Min. of Environment and Parks |
1330 |
Patterns of vegetation recovery on Mt. St. Helens: survivors and colonists - Dr. Roger del Moral, University of Washington |
1400 |
Distribution and ecology of knapweed in North America with particular reference to British Columbia - Dr. Brian Wikeem |
1500 |
Visit to Mount Tzuhalem (rare plant communities and species) |
1900 |
Dinner |
2030 |
Slide presentation |
Thursday, April 16 |
0700 |
Breakfast |
0800 |
Field trip: coastal succession - Dr. R. Smith and others, CFS, Victoria |
1200 |
Bag lunch break |